::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::

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Some Words from Master Changs Pupils
SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy Family

Master Henrik S. Hunstad

The SANGROK gym has become like a second home for me. I'm very privileged to have experienced the training and the spirit of SANGROK. The way Master Chang has taught me, has given me an opportunity to learn high quality Taekwondo. SANGROK represent not only taekwondo to me, but also the best part of Korean culture. I feel honored to call Master Chang my master and friend. Anyone that wants to experience Korean culture at it's best and wishes to train the best Taekwondo, should visit the SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy. The way of Master Chang's taekwondo teaching is a blend of traditional taekwondo and Olympic taekwondo. If you are a beginner, an instructor, competitioner etc, SANGROK gym and Master Chang has something to teach everyone.


Master Henrik S. Hunstad,
International Master Instructor, 5th dan
Director of SANGROK Norway.

- If you'd like to read more from students who have trained at SANGROK,
please click on the messages below -

  Harry Heneage(2005-06-20 22:55:15, Hit : 8453, Vote : 1600
 The Dvd


I think the idea for a dvd is superb and has lots of potential. There are various things that I am sure you have considered, however I would love to know you thoughts on. Have you got a plan for release or something that you could email me. Contents, cost etc...

The only thing that could go wrong from this is if the gym gets some financial liability as a result of this. I would love to look over the plans and make comments and ideas. Plus take a look a funding oppertunites....  I think that it is very important to preserve such a great thing as a life times dedication to Taekwondo. I am sure there would be no problem getting them stocked in Pine tre as all the stuff they have there is quite low quality and I am sure that we could produce a better product then what has already been made. Plus Andys point about the Sang Rok family gyms as points for distribution makes a lot of sense.

I have some time this summer so I can put effort in. I have been inactive for a little too long.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


I will go to Norway for a Summer camp
two students from Singapore visited Sangrok gym

  The Dvd  Harry Heneage  2005/06/20 8453 1600
      [re] The Dvd  avner  2005/06/23 6860 1350

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3rd Floor, Sejeong Building, 45-4 Sinwol 3-dong, Yangcheon-guSeoul, Korea
Tel: +82 2 2695 7924 Fax: +82 2 2693 8924

e-mail : SANGROK@gmail.com webmaster : syongjin@empal.com