::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::

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Q&A Board
Feel free to write any question about SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy to Master Chang

  Master Chang(2005-01-06 21:18:14, Hit : 7720, Vote : 806
 Reply for Cherie G

Dear Mr. Cherie G:

Thank you very much for you information about Mr. Scott Bolen, I appreciated it very much. In my personal opinion, if all you information about Mr Bolen are accurate and exact, then this is a very serious problem.

First of all, my name is Chang Seong Dong, not Chang Sung Bong; this is a correction that I wish you to make.

Secondly, I would like to fully explain about the relationship between me and Mr. Bolen. Personally I have only met Mr. Bolen for 2 times, the first time was April 2004; he got to know about my academy from resources in the internet, and then he contacted me and enquired to come to my academy for some training with his students. One thing I would like to make it clear is the nature of Sangrok World Taekwondo Academy, my academy is a totally non-political taekwondo academy, whoever in the world wants to learn Taekwondo, they are always welcome to come along and learn from me. During April 2004, Mr. Bolen has took a few students along for a few days of training, the students stayed in the Academy, they were very keen in learn and they trained very hard; I was impressed by the positive attitude. However, Mr. Bolen didn't stay or train in the academy, he seems came to Korea for a purpose other than learning Taekwondo from me.

The second time that Mr. Bolen came to Korea was October, he came alone and stayed in the academy for around a week. However, he has only done one training with me; he seems very busy with activities outside. He has suggested and discussed some issues about how to develope Taekwondo in US as well.

In my Taekwondo Philosophy, I believed that Taekwondo is a martial art for the world, people from different parts of the world, no matter what color their skins are, if they really wish to learn, I must teach them. In terms of the nature of a person, I have never judge a person from the first impression or informations from somewhere about certain person.

I have received some information about Mr. Bolen from somewhere after his first visit, the information about Mr. Bolen was rather negative; however, when Mr. Bolen requested me for his second visit, I didn't reject him; due to I am unsure about whether the informations were true or not. I am the kind of person that would only judge a person if I have personally experienced the person.

From the post that you wrote about me, "Grandmaster Chang Sung Bong is in on the lying too.", what is the meaning of that? How can you say that I am lying? How much do you know me? You don't even know my name; also please tell me what am I lying about? Please do not accuse anyone, if you do not know the whole picture. Even if Mr. Bolen is a lier, then I am only supporting a liar; supporting a liar is not lying right? What makes me a liar then?

About Mr. Bolen's ranks (Taekwondo or any martial art), I have never grade Mr. Bolen to any rank or awarded him anything. To me, I am only interested on whoever loves Taekwondo and have a true heart to learn Taekwondo; I do not care about rank. For instance, during the first visit of Mr. Bolen and his students; his students was very keen to learn and really wanted to know their level, they required me to judge them and offer them my academy rank according to their standard, so I did as they wish.

These days, Taekwondo is a worldwide martial art, it is not for Korean only anymore. Whoever still think that Taekwondo is only for Korean, it is totally wrong. Even through, Korean masters around the world are still highly respected, sure it is because Taekwondo is originated from Korea; but that is not the main reason, the main reason is that many Korean masters has always do their best to spread the best of Taekwondo to everywhere of the world.

Master Chang

About Scott Bolen
Happy new year

  Reply for Cherie G [1]  Master Chang  2005/01/06 7720 806
      [re] Reply for Cherie G  Master Chang  2005/01/08 4899 816

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