::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::

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Some Words from Master Changs Pupils
SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy Family

Master Henrik S. Hunstad

The SANGROK gym has become like a second home for me. I'm very privileged to have experienced the training and the spirit of SANGROK. The way Master Chang has taught me, has given me an opportunity to learn high quality Taekwondo. SANGROK represent not only taekwondo to me, but also the best part of Korean culture. I feel honored to call Master Chang my master and friend. Anyone that wants to experience Korean culture at it's best and wishes to train the best Taekwondo, should visit the SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy. The way of Master Chang's taekwondo teaching is a blend of traditional taekwondo and Olympic taekwondo. If you are a beginner, an instructor, competitioner etc, SANGROK gym and Master Chang has something to teach everyone.


Master Henrik S. Hunstad,
International Master Instructor, 5th dan
Director of SANGROK Norway.

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  Master Chang(2008-12-15 15:55:26, Hit : 5122, Vote : 669
 DSCN1540_2.jpg (142.8 KB), Download : 66
 I received a letter Avner from Israel

Dear Sir,

I have read what you wrote about your son, SangRok, and it brought me five years back, to the first time I visited the academy and stayed with you. These were not easy times. First, we were driven out of the old place and had to live in the gym for more than a month. Then came the horrible news that SangRok became sick again. I remember sitting and talking to you during the nights, after everybody else left. I remember your face when you told me that a father's love to his son is always stronger than the love of the son to his father. You told me that maybe I cannot understand that because I am not a father. Well, I am a father now and I think I am beginning to understand it. But what I remember most, and this I tell my students all the time, is how some times you spent the whole day in the hospital, worried sick about SangRok, but at 9:30 every evening you returned to teach us. Then I really understood what SangRok means, without words I understood, straight into my heart. When I had to struggle with my own cancer, the concept of SangRok never left me.

I wrote a book about my experiences when I was sick, in Hebrew of course, and it was published a few months ago. It is a short book, but in it I wrote quite a lot about you and about the SangRok way. I also wrote in that book why I decided to name my son Rotem, which for me symbolizes the same idea as SangRok. I attached a photo of Rotem, so that you can see how he grows up.

I hope that my student, Eyal, who will be coming to SangRok later this month, will also get a chance to learn something about the SangRok way.

Best Regards, Avner

Last training in Sangrok gym.
Wishing the Sangrok Family a Happy Christmas Festive Season December 2008

    Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary since my son, Sangrok, passed away [1]  Master Chang  2008/12/12 6267 850
      I received warm letters Henrik from Norway as well  Master Chang  2008/12/15 5261 684
    I received a letter Avner from Israel  Master Chang  2008/12/15 5122 669

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