::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::

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Q&A Board
Feel free to write any question about SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy to Master Chang

  jaime zaldua(2004-11-03 12:03:21, Hit : 4917, Vote : 844
 Sangrok Union/Unity

I am not in favour of a Sangrok Union. The reason being I like it as it is -Master Chang style. As soon as unions and such things start happening so do politics and that would be the death of the unique taekwondo training facility we are all so lucky to have. It was intresting to read other members opinions on the matter, there were some good points raised on this Q&A board.
    I believe there is no need to name something a union when there is already a worldwide unity of Sangrok Taekwondo- Chang style techniques- and now a great internet site where we can all communicate easily.
    If I wanted to travel to Germany, America, Norway ect for Taekwondo I wouldent need a union, I would only need to contact the relevent Instructor and make arrangements. I am going to Norway in 3 weeks to train, eat, and drink healthily with Master Chang and Master Hendrik; I have also recieved emails from Sangrok Germany wanting to come to our UK seminar. So I ask - Why create a union when we are already united by our love of martial arts and our respect for Saebomnim?
                      Jaime Zaldua

SangRok family gathering
About the Union issue

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Tel: +82 2 2695 7924 Fax: +82 2 2693 8924

e-mail : SANGROK@gmail.com webmaster : syongjin@empal.com