::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::

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Q&A Board
Feel free to write any question about SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy to Master Chang

  Cherie G(2005-01-19 13:18:14, Hit : 5722, Vote : 871
 Grandmaster Chang

Dear Grandmaster Chang,

Scott Bolen is not a true martist artist.  A true martial artist is someone that is proud of what they can do and where they come from and post their certifications on their website for all to see.  they will not continue to change the list of organizations that they belong to by creating new ones that do not exist.  A true martial artist will have heart.  They will be proud of what rank they hold and not make up themselves to be masters when they are not.True martial artist will be proud of what they can do no matter if they can't kick as high or fancy like other people.  Techniques become better with the repetition of Taekwondo drills of the basics.  A true martial artist will not change their stories all of the time.  I am not out to destroy you or your Sangrok taekwondo academy.  I want to let you know that Scott bolen will tell you what he thinks you want to hear.  He will always side-step the issues and use big words to try to impress people.  Please reconsider being associated with him and his people.  They will only continue to drag you down and give you, Grandmaster Chang and your Sangrok Academy a bad name.  Are you being to see through Scott Bolen yet?  If anyone out there is in the Michiana area, stop by Scott Bolen's Tiger & Dragon School.  Ask to see his certifications and those of his instructors.  Get the names of the organizations, the the names of the people who signed them and contact these organizations to vertify if they really gave these peole their ranking certificates.  You can bet that all of them are faked by Scott bolen.  He has no authorization to promote anyone in Taekwondo and Habgido because he does not hold any rank himself, only what he has faked.  I was raised to tell the truth about who I am.  What was Scott Bolen raised to do?  Please, if yo9u have had trouble with Scott Bolen in the Michiana area and want your money back, take him to court and you can get up to 10 times your money back according to Indiana and Michigan state laws for pain and suffering.


Miss Cherie G.

Final statement
To Mr. Bolen again

  Grandmaster Chang  Cherie G  2005/01/19 5722 871
      [re] Grandmaster Chang  whalen  2005/01/22 11124 962

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