::::::: SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy :::::::
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SANGROK in India
SANGROK in France
SANGROK in China
(Old SANGROK Gallery)

  Total : 1625, 74 / 109 pages          

The article in the newspaper "Le Progr?s", in Lyon, France(Ali & Dominique & Boble)

Ali club's young students

With Ali, Boble and Dominique

the river side life..

Advertise for the seminar a magazine in Lyon..

The center in Lyon..

Seminar in Ali’s Club..

Andy & Julie from Nancy, France, they drive 4 hours for the seminar?(they visited at Sangrok last year)

After the seminar drink with Ali, Dominique, Boble, Abdel and ?

EunYoung from Arizona, USA

There is perfect conjugal harmony between them(Kevin from HongKong)

We went nice a Korean refreshment near by Sangrok(Ravi, Sumeet & Rudraksh)

Mr. Sumeet Chugh and his son Rudraksh from Delhi, India visited at Sangrok Feb 2010

Alex & Jef had good experience from the national Taekwondo championship in Lyon, France

we went on the 2010 Sangrok Winter Camp4

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